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<br />D-2873 <br />r .. "I" n~-2.. ~ .--ro AS TO :;:I:;~-' -'.. <br />dOlJIC ;K. t~~OlJ 'f1QLlDl- ~ <br /> <br /> <br />P'tUlIIt ol. KIUtm. IIIC., a C& ovperaUon. ~, ~,.. . n1uabla . <br /> <br />co.wlderoUoc, ncoipt 01 lIbioh 1. ~nbr aa~o4, __ -NbJ' ...m.., <br /> <br />releo.. ..d f()~or qultcla1A tel CITi vi" ~~IlZ, a mn1.o1pa1 corporatton, <br /> <br />t.he roeal property 1n t.he C1~ o~ Rhoa1de, Coont;r <:Jf &1nnlc1a, State oL <br /> <br />c.J.U()rnio, deacrihed IIlI lol.laoni 1 <br /> <br />'rhat pol't1011 o~ tllo tOrMr Cnacont Clt,r Ia1lro&d richt ot vq <br />in the Cit;r or RiTOnide deacrillod u 1011_1 <br /> <br />8Ilc:l....4'!( at *be intenection oL tho IIDrthor1;r boundar7 ot t.he <br />Clt;r ot R1TOnlde and tho IlOrtlleaaterl;r llr;e ot tho t01'M1" I <br />Cnacont 01. 1la11roo4 r1&ht ot vq lIbich 10 a.L80 the south- <br />_oterlT l1na ot Lot 3 ot the c.a- Trect u ohDlm by a map <br />recorclad in Map Book 11 at pap 63. ~ordII ot lt1:rerllic.!e County, <br />C&1.1t0m1a; thonoe oouthouter1;r aloac tbo DOnbeute..J,y Une <br />01 so1d riclrt ot vq a d1atame of ODD tbaaoand n.!'9" teet. <br />IIOre OZ' 1000. (1,050'+) to . po1n~; tbeaca .ona 1IS0 25' So" <br />w..t a d:1a~ o~ adiie baDd:Nd t1fiT-IliDe .m Il1zt;T-N:" <br />lmDdredt.ha teet. MN or loaa, (9S9"65'~) to . po~ on the <br />SOl,ltbleater1;r 1.1l1li oL ~aid ript. ot .. 1Ib1ell U 0" ImDdred <br />teet (100') aoutbresterlT at & ri8Jd; ar.cle trea the north- <br />euter1;r right of _q 1.1ne; ~ ~narlT aloae said <br />Ilcu'tlJrester1;r r1eht of _q l1na a distanc. ot OlIO ImDdred <br />teet, 1101'8 0.. le... (l,(X)I+) to a point 011 oaJ.d O1t)" llotuIde7; <br />tbsDee northeuterlT alami aaid C1t,r IlaaIId&ry a diatance of <br />1Ii%tT IInd twentT ImDdredths teet, ..>, or leas. (60.20'+) to <br />a pol.nt; thenc. 1IOrtbe_te!'1;r aloae: oaJ.d O1t;r BowIdary i <br />diatar.ce of tort;y and ten Iwxlredtiw feet, lIOn! or 1eIlIl, (40.10'~1 <br />to the point of boo~fIDU>-C" <br /> <br />Oo.1;.,d: :!larch 6th , 1~511. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />FRAIm A. KILLER, ItJC., 0 <br />CalUornia corpo..ation <br /> <br /> <br />Bi-lt-~~/~+ <br /> <br />., d It . ~ 1/. ' .i <br />/I~ i et- ,>(.. , I ~/ <br />ol'!'1'EST: f' t / ~ 'te"" -"-"-' --'" <br />Nta1'7 <br />I <br />r I <br /> <br />I <br />., <br />tbt. J)oCUMO' <br />APPB09'D U to ftRI( <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />CU,F A\ f.Ol"DeJ' <br />Rl....14.. Calltorola <br />r ST.... (W c:..un.a.... <br /> <br />Rivarwld. , <br /> <br />0...... atll A.D.~4- <br />-j-- <br /> <br />, ~ <br />......-. . <br />..... ," - <br />