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CityCounncilMMemooranddum <br />O: HONORBLE MAOR AND ITY COUCILDTE: July 26, 2011 <br />TTAAYYCCNNAA <br />ROM:CITY ATORNEY’ OFFICEITM NO: <br />FFTTSSEE <br />PUBLICWWORKS DEPARTMEENT <br />WRD: ALL <br />AA <br />UBJECT: PROPOED AMEDMENTO THE RIVERSIDE MUNICIPAL COE <br />SSSSNNTTDDD <br />RELATINNG TO THEE REGULATTION OF CCURB ADDDRESS PAINTING <br />ISSSUE: <br />TThe issue ffor consideeration by tthe City Coouncil is wwhether to amend Chhapter 10.116 of the <br />iverside Municipal Cde and to add Chapter 10.17 fr the purpse of reglating cur address <br />RRoooooouubb <br />painting withhin the City. <br />RRECOMMENNDATIONSS: <br />TThat the Cityy Council inntroduce annd adopt thhe attachedd ordinancee amending Chapter 10.16 and <br />adding Chater 10.17 o the Riveside Muniipal Code. <br />ppttrrcc <br />ACKGROND: <br />BBUU <br />urrently,hapter 1016 of the RiversideMunicipalode prohibits the pinting of ny curb <br />CCCC..CCaaaa <br />surface, including the ppainting of hhouse numbers, unlesss authorizeed by the CCity Traffic EEngineer. <br />he Municial Code does not prvide any further guiance or rgulationith respet to curb <br />TTppooddeewwcc <br />address painnting. <br />CCurb addresss painting can be a vaaluable servvice for thee residents of the City of Riverside. While <br />te Municipl Code does not reqire that huse numbring be plced on th curb adjacent to a <br />hhaauuooeeaaee <br />reesidence, thhe placemeent of housee numberinng on a curbb in additionn to the reqquired placeement on <br />a structure fronting th street cn be of secial assitance to ublic safty responers. All <br />eeaappssppeedd <br />property owners are sttill required to comply with the City’s uniformm system oof house nuumbering <br />as set forth n Chapter 16.24. <br />ii <br />nfortunatey, there hve been urb paintig service scams ocurring in arious ares of the <br />UUllaaccnnccvvaa <br />CCity where rresidents arre asked foor a voluntaary donationn to repaintt their addreess numbers on the <br />curb. The otices freuently mirepresentto the resient that tey are reuired to have their <br />nnqqssddhhqq <br />address painted on the curb andd that the ccontractoris affiliatedd with or wworking at the City’s <br />rquest. Tere have also been instancesin which he contrator has pinted the incorrect <br />eehhttccaa <br />address andd then demaanded paymment in ordder to paint the addresss correctlyy and thus tto ensure <br />payment by the unwillig homeoner. <br />nnww <br />